4 Quotes & Sayings By Alan Ryan

Alan Ryan is a widely recognized authority on the psychology of human motivation, self-esteem and personal development. His current research focuses on the relationship between motivation, personality and leadership styles. He has published over sixty books and has been a keynote speaker around the world. He is a regular contributor to major media outlets including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Oprah Winfrey Network, CNN, FOX News and many others Read more

Alan has also been a featured guest on programs including Oprah Winfrey's Master Class.

He had gone again and, emboldened by his first successful trip, had chosen a different sort of world to enter, that of THE MONK. He had studied the book with great care and finally selected a passage that was purely descriptive. The result was the same. The instant he closed the top of the showcase, he was transported to the world described in the open pages. He found himself standing - and shivering - in a dank corridor that, he knew, was far underground. Feeble candlelight flickered in the distance, off to his left. Water dripped down the gleaming walls and startled rats scurried past his feet. The air was stale and unpleasant. Down the corridor to his left, he could hear singing but could not make out the words. Then suddenly, from his right, he heard a woman's high-pitched scream, its sound caroming off the wet, stone walls of the passageway. He jumped, his skin crawling at the back of his neck. And found himself back in his warm and familiar room.(" I Shall Not Leave England Now") . Alan Ryan
It is never right to injure anyone. It can never be right to make someone worse than he is. Alan Ryan
A colleague once described political theorists as people who were obsessed with two dozen books; after half a century of grappling with Mill's essay On Liberty, or Hobbes's Leviathan, I have sometimes thought two dozen might be a little on the high side. Alan Ryan